What the Heck is an Arabica, Anyway?

It’s every where. Every coffee bag, every K-Cup, every coffee pot at 7-11, even the low-rate, dollar store, proclaim their product contains 100% arabica. But, do you know what arabica is? What it means? If you don’t, don’t feel alone. Arabica is a well-worn and over emphasized word; it’s a noun, it’s an adjective. I dread the day it becomes a verb. Don’t get me wrong. Arabica beans produce some of the most amazing coffee flavors; blueberry, strawberry, honey, coco, and a vast array of other wonderful flavors. The Specialty Coffee Association has even published a flavor wheel to help us describe what we taste. You can view and download a high res copy from Counter Culture Coffee here . So, why, you ask, am I showing you this flavor wheel? I want to highlight the multitude of flavors that can be tweezed out of arabica. But, that’s not the only reason. I want to also discuss the “other” bean. The lowly robusta and ...